Conair Infinity Pro Air Rotating Styler ~ Review

Infiniti-Pro-by-Conair-Hot-Air-Spin-StylerIf your anything like me, then you’ve tried and tried to get that gorgeous salon blow out at home but have never really managed to master it. Ok, truth… I’ve never even come close!

Trying to roll that round brush down my dry brittle, bleached locks while gracefully clutching the blow dryer in the other hand. Simutaneously dragging these alien tools from root to tip, forget it!

When I heard that the Conair Infinity Pro Air Rotating Styler (wow that’s a name and a half) is essentially a blowdryer and round brush in one, I knew I had to try it! Was this going to finally put an end to all the suffering that has tormented so many of us for so many years?!

The short answer….YES! This hot tool is now an essential part of my daily hair routine! I honestly can’t even imagine going back to my regular routine (Blowdry, and straigthen or curl). Using the Conair Rotating Styler gives my hair a look I would never be able to achieve without.

Lets delve a little deeper into why I love it so much and why you may or may not enjoy this little sucker;


  • It really does give you a flawless, smooth bouncy and voluminous blow out!
  • It is easy to use with ONE hand!
  • The brush is the perfect size to get close to root allowing you to get amazing volume.
  • The air isn’t too hot and will not burn if held close to the head
  • Great results on half dry hair, speeding up styling time
  • It rotates in two directions giving you the option to rotate your curls facing forward or back for a professional look. (Also great for those left handers!)
  • Smoothes out frizz and provides amazing shine!
  • It has a cool setting to set your curl


  • Takes a little getting used to (Not even close to the time it would take you to learn to blow out your own hair so no worries there! I started getting the hang of it about half way through my hair on the first try. After a couple of months of using it I now consider myself a pro 😉
  • The blowdryer part isn’t as strong as i’d like. So here’s the deal with this…depending on who you talk to this could be a pro or con. For me, I am always in a rush and want things done yesterday. While with the blow dryer not being overly powerful, you assure to get a smoother finish by allowing more control. (Not having your hair blow all over the place causing frizz and fly aways.) However, for me, I would have liked a little more air strength to get the job done just a little quicker.

The bottom line is that I love this tool and I highly recommend it! I’ve already stocked up on a few extras and plan to give them as gifts this Christmas!

Cheers, Victoria! kiss
Beauty Blogger from Vancouver, Canada

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7 thoughts on “Conair Infinity Pro Air Rotating Styler ~ Review

  1. I love this thing – but I agree with you on the power thing. I use a regular hairdryer to rough blow dry my hair for a few minutes, aiming for the roots. Then I’ll finish off with the Conair. I’m very happy with it!


  2. I read about this hairdryer somewhere else and thought “I have to have this!” You have confirmed my need. I have thick hair to my mid-back and although I’m getting just ok with the dryer in one hand brush in another from watching my stylist like a hawk, this might do the trick.
    I tried the hairdryer that has the half brush the slides over the dryer part. The only problem is the piece is plastic and when it gets hot it falls off! I understand the older models were much better.
    And I’m LEFT HANDED! That right there – options!


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