How To Be Naturally Beautiful from the Inside Out!

How to hydrate your skin

We talk a lot about outer beauty and products to enhance our skin, nails, hair and our overall appearance here on the blog but now i’d like to talk about inner beauty.  Nope, not your personality or how you present yourself. That’s stuffs important too, lol, but not where I’m going with this…

Inner beauty – Hydration!

Do you know how important it is to hydrate your body?  If you’re not properly hydrated your health is at risk. Our bodies are made mostly out of water after all.

If you suffer from dehydration, you may have headaches, issues with digestion, skin problems and more. I personally feel lethargic when I am dehydrated and I know immediately that I need to fuel with good old fashion H20. Not to mention that my skin always looks its best when I reach my daily water goal!

Eight glasses a day is so hard for me!!  But they say that’s what our bodies need. I definitely don’t always meet that quota but I’m always trying.

I find keeping water in the fridge makes it easier for me.  Easier to fill a water bottle on the go with ice cold water just helps me reach for it more often.
We use a Brita water filtration jug and it’s amazing!

Brita Water Filtration System Beauty

If you’ve never used one before, i’ll tell you a little bit about it. There are many different sizes you can get, so whichever fits your family best is up to you. We have the Brita Grand 10 cup jug. Having ours in our fridge definitely helps me gravitate to drinking more water and the best part is that the kids can reach it!! And help themselves. They cannot reach the sink yet so no longer do I hear “Moooooom, can I have water pleeeease?” But that’s just a personal perk 😉

By using the Brita filtration water pitcher, you get better tasting, healthier filtered water.  The Brita filtration system removes chlorine, copper, mercury, and many other heavy metal contaminants. I won’t go into too much detail about why ingesting toxins isn’t great for us. I am confident that we are all intelligent to enough to know without the need of explanation or siting a scientific study that we should NOT be drinking the stuff! And utilizing a Brita is the easiest and most affordable way to keep toxins out of our water and more importantly, out of our bodies!

So back to hydration talk.  8 glasses of water a day is said to rid your body and skin of toxins.  That’s super impactful!  I do use a lot of creams, lotions, toners and serums on my face but none of those will work to their full capacity if we are not hydrating on the inside first. So find yourself an app and keep track of your daily water intake.   There’s a few great ones like “daily water” and “hydro coach”.  You will start to notice a difference in how your skin looks and most importantly how you feel.

Cheers, Victoria! kiss
Beauty Blogger from Vancouver, Canada

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